Dr. Buckley Resigning at VCU

Dr. Buckley

Dear Colleagues-Friends,

It is with great appreciation and – certainly mixed emotions – that I am letting you know that I will be leaving VCU and relinquishing the cherished roles of dean of the VCU School of Medicine and executive vice president for medical affairs for VCU Health System in February 2022.

I have accepted a new position as chancellor for the health sciences at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. I expect we will share our plans for the interim period and search in the next few weeks.

I feel very privileged to have this opportunity to pursue this next phase of my career in Memphis at the University of Tennessee. This simply would not have been possible without the support that has been afforded to me by each of you and all of VCU as well as our communities throughout the Commonwealth.

The past five years working at our institution and being part of Richmond’s wonderful community has been immensely fulfilling and brought great joy to Leonie and me. We thank you so very sincerely for your friendship and support.

Please know that I will remain always grateful and ever enthusiastic about VCU’s great future. Respectfully and with best wishes,

Peter F. Buckley, MD
VCU School of Medicine

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Integrative Psychiatry:
Putting it Into Practice
February 25-26, 2022
The Westin Richmond

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